The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is like a waterfall, continuous, powerful, beautiful and everlasting.  Although forgiveness can sometimes be tough it can birth and bring forth unimaginable peace and clarity.  As mental health therapists, we know that unforgiveness allows anger, resentment, guilt, shame, and pain to reside in us and hinders our full potential as well as steals important moments of joy and peace from our lives.  It may seem easier to hold on to the negative emotions caused by hurt than to heal and forgive, but when we fully realize the cost we know that it’s not worth it.  So how do we open ourselves to forgiving others? Here are a few suggestions: 

Acknowledgment: The first step is to be honest about the feelings we have about the person that hurt us as well as the event that caused the pain.

Accountability: After fully acknowledging our feelings the next step is to take ownership of any role that we might have played in the interaction that caused us pain. It is often said that we judge ourselves by our intentions, but judge others by their actions. But often, when there is pain and hurt, it takes two people and if that is the case, the road to forgiveness involves taking ownership of any part that we played in the event.

Acceptance- Sometimes denying that painful event happened is one way of coping with the event, but it is hard to fully forgive and move on if we are in denial. Accepting that the event occurred and that we hurt by it, as well any part we might have played in it makes it easier to move towards forgiveness.

Resolution- After acceptance, steps can then be taken towards resolving the negative emotions within ourselves, or actually taking steps to resolve the issue with the individual(s) individuals that hurt us.

Time- One of the most important steps about forgiveness is realizing that it is not as simple as turning on a light switch, it takes time to time to acknowledge the hurt, reflect on the hurt feelings, the pain and sometimes the trauma, before one is able to arrive at a place of resolution. Forgiveness takes time, and in a fast - paced culture as ours, we must be intentional about taking the time needed to reach the point that we can truly forgive.

As mental health professionals, we understand that forgiveness is not an easy task.  But we also realize that the ability to let things go is necessary for mental wholeness. As such we take the time to walk beside our clients and provided counseling services to assist with the journey of forgiveness and aid resolution in a way that fosters peace.  Be sure to book an appointment online or call 334-440-8847 if desire to forgive, but are unsure of where or how to begin.  We cannot wait to meet you!

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