Vitamins For Your soul and Your Spirit

It is easy to get down on ourselves or beat ourselves up when our lives aren’t aligning with our desires; when our choices have led to an undesired outcome, or when we just aren’t sure what path to take.  No matter what may have led to this misalignment, we need reminders to encourage, uplift, and release the hold we have on us so that we do not bring ourselves further down.  This replenishment could be likened to our body’s need for vitamins to ensure our physical health and so I have decided to focus this blog post on tidbits that will serve as much-needed “vitamins for our souls and our spirits.”

Tidbit #1: Remember that although you might have fallen, the fall does not mean that you will never walk or run again. It is possible to get back up and try again. And this time, you just might make it to the finish line.   A setback is an opportunity to do it again, but BETTER. It is neither a stopping point nor the end of your journey. Rather a set back is often an opportunity for a redo or a reset. 

Tidbit #2: Every day is a new chance to breathe new beginnings into your life. Today does not have to be he same as yesterday. Tomorrow is limitless if you believe. “Failures” and “mistakes” are not identifiers. For you are NOT defined by the mistakes you have made but rather those mistakes are lessons that you can learn from and GROW into who you desire to be.

Tidbit #3: Take the time to affirm yourself: The words you tell yourself are important because it forms the framework from which your subconscious mind operates. Instead of beating yourself up, say positive, encouraging and affirming words to yourself. Some of our personal favorites are: “I will not keep myself down, I’ve got this.” “Things may be hard, difficult, or even unbearable right now but nothing is impossible for me.” “ I am preparing to stand again with greatness attached to me. I am unstoppable.” “I am not a victim of my circumstances, I am a survivor.” “ Healing is mine and I claim all that I am entitled to.” I am committed to the process of being better today than I was yesterday.” “I am not a failure; I am not a mistake; I am not a burden.” We hope you will choose a few of the above that resonate with you and say them to yourself, over and over until your subconscious mind begins to believe it.

As always, the doors to our offices are open and we are ready to walk alongside you on your journey to mental well-being.

alabama Therapist